Clients often ask us; how important is SEO web design? Just having a beautifully designed website will not be enough to have people find your site on search engines such as Google. The content/copy of your website is important to the organic ranking and search result of your website. SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimisation. With correct keywords implemented into a website, it becomes more relevant for search queries and appears higher in search results.
Don’t get trapped by the web design alone! Although a well-designed website is essential, it will not help people find your website. Therefore, what do you need to know about SEO web design or in technical terms "on-page SEO" to make sure people have the best chance of finding your website?
SEO Web Design As You go
It’s easier to build SEO into your web design as you go rather than implementing it at a later stage. Don’t be afraid to ask and check with your website build team about SEO, it's surprising how many website designers don’t implement correct on-page SEO as they design. The fact is, SEO is a craft in itself, just like web design. All professional web development companies/agencies should have a specialist for on-page SEO. If you have to implement SEO into your website at a later stage, it's going to financially cost more and be a headache. Whole website pages might need redesigning, so best to implement SEO at the start to eliminate double work. Make sure that your web development company/agency includes technical SEO language in the contract for the build.
Audience Intent
Search engines such as Google are powerful channels with high buyer intent. Therefore, people searching are looking to know or buy something at that moment, they are ready to take action!
With correct SEO web design, websites can take advantage of this high intent traffic and ensure specific search queries find the website. Embedding high intent keywords into the context of the website improve this. Essentially telling Google "this site has what you are looking for"! The more relevant the context of the website is to the search query, the higher chance your website will be found. The key is to know and use specific high intent keywords. These must be relevant to your industry within your on-page SEO to lead traffic to your website.
The importance of SEO web design is quickly realised when the basic functionality of on-page SEO is understood. Especially the correct selection and use of high intent keywords for the copy.
Rank High With SEO Web Design
A website that can be found organically and visitors' attention held with beautiful design is for most the goal of a good website. Unfortunately, unless you are on page one of a SERP (Search Engine Results Page) you are not going to get a lot of traffic. 75% of page clicks are given to sites ranking on the first page of results. To have a high performing website, you need to rank on page one. This all comes down to SEO. Design and SEO need to be married together! A balanced bond, both are equally important to the success and performance of a website.
The Long Answer In Short
The short answer to "the importance of SEO web design" is that web design on its own is simply a waste of resources (money & time) if not accompanied by SEO. Maximise the opportunity to capture high intent search engine queries with correct on-page SEO.
Should you need help with website SEO, SOHO Creative Group is here to provide creative design help in all ways possible. Designing or redesigning a website? Get in touch, we are always keen to hear about your project.